
Lost Arcana

Lost Arcana Deck

Lost Arcana Deck

A pocket art gallery. A deconstructed poetry book in dark mode. A noncompetitive game. An Oracle.

Lost Arcana is a collaboration between two artists in Richmond, Virginia. Conceived at a wake for a man nobody knew (and typed out on his haunted typewriter), it is a poker-sized deck of 54 cards, each with an original work of art on one side, and a line or three of verse on the other. It demands intuition and intention, but not much else. Arrange the cards into a poem of your own in an act of collaborative composition at a distance. Ask the deck a question. Pull a card. Read too far into it. Play the loosely Gin-based game we've devised, and end up with a poem unique to the company you keep. Included is an instruction booklet outlining these three suggested uses. Feel free to disregard it completely.

There are 54 works of art and 710,998,587,804,863,451,854,045,647,463,724,949,736,497,978,881,168,458,687,447,040,000,000,000,000 poems in every deck. Make one. Share it with us.

For inquiries, write us at: [email protected]